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How To Do Small Talk Right
If you're a human being, you no doubt dread the tedium of maintaining a conversation with another human being.
I'm the Guy Who Cannot Watch Touchdowns
Yup, that’s me. I’m the asshole standing behind the end zone looking away from a touchdown catch. How did I find myself in such a...
The Most Obscure Seinfeld Motifs, Facts and Absurdities
Festivus, the Soup Nazi, and the Contest are among the dozens of canonized storylines.
Newman's Impossible Mail Route
Seinfeld fans universally agree that Newman is one of the show’s most memorable and hilarious characters. People who aren’t Seinfeld fans...
7 Rules of Sports Radio
Sports radio is a form of entertainment featuring a cadre of loudmouth dickheads yelling about sports and reading shitty ads. But there’s...
Traffic Ticket Stories
There was a dark period in my life where every legally ambiguous traffic scenario resulted in second degree murder charges
What To Say When You Didn’t Hear Someone
The smorgasbord of phrases prompting clarification for words your brain steadfastly refuses to process can sow indecision
5 Best Excuses To Get Out Of Anything
Don’t you wish you had a rock solid excuse to neutralize someone who’s trying to rope you into some stupid activity?
5 Essential Qualities of Russian Literature*
The blunt cynicism that pervades Russian literature makes for an intense reading experience...
The 5 Worst Writers of All Time
These writers' knack for disgracing the art of literature is extraordinary.
My (Unpublished) Interview
After submitting my answers to a website that publishes interviews with entrepreneurs, I never heard back from them.
The Art of Eye Contact
Whether you're interviewing for a job, courting a mate, or closing a sale, strong eye contact is a must.
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